My testimony poem is the hardest thing I've ever tried to write. It wasn't just the format but also the topic. How do I communicate what God has done in my life? From the outside looking in, I have had a near-perfect life. But God is at work all the same because I'm not perfect. So it was hard to find the words to craft my testimony. I hope you'll understand it.
A simple story is mine to tell
Of how my God saved me from hell
Oh! Listen friends and listen well
His grace has sounded Death’s death knell
A child I was when God’s grace came
Adopted me in, gave me His name
A name to which I’ve oft brought shame
Yet nonetheless He loves me the same
My father it was who told me first
Of the perfect Son and Sin’s dark curse
Of Christ’s life and death and the worst
Sep’ration from God, the Last and the First
In the beginning, Dad told me
Adam sinned, thus so do we
The punishment was death, you see
No matter how small the sin may seem
My debt of sin the cross repaid
And in the tomb the Christ was laid
Til o the third day He was raised
Proof of the power He had claimed
I know not how much I truly grasped
But this I do—God’s love had cast
It’s binding spell o’er me at last
My heart was His, forever clasped
The years have passed—18 or so
In which His faithfulness is shown
He’s guarded my heart and body I know
Without Him, I’ve nothing here to show
My testimony cannot end there
For endless is His love and care
Though trials light have been my share
My heart from His I’ve tried to tear
It’s hard for me to see my sin
Because of the things I’ve never been
Pride and arrogance, they creep in
With the lie, “You’re better than them”
Comfort, security, I did seek
From family, friends, from day to week
Instead of looking to Christ the meek
Inside God’s word I’d barely peek
Building worth on knowledge learned
With pride I was little concerned
Til once again, God’s love it burned
Into my life with grace unearned
Showed me then the black of my pride
And the things in which I often hide
The books, the knowledge, the comfort wide
Pulled me away on Love’s strong tide
A haughty look He says He hates
But comes to him who humbly waits
He alone can fill my plate
In God the King is comfort great
I know I’ll often drift away
From the path He bid me stay
A rough, unwilling lump of clay
Yet He is with me all the way
God plumbed the depths of His supply
From death and sin my heart did buy
He gave His Son—I scarce grasp why
But this I know—‘Twas Him, not I