Friday, October 5, 2012

Desert's End

The desert is hot, dry, and boring.  Flat land stretches to a flat horizon, the distance deceptive from the haze.  Some sparse vegetation breaks the otherwise unending dullness of the terrain.  There is nothing here.

Or is there?

Slowly, as I travel, I find the hidden wonders of this barren place.  Beauty I find, unlooked for and unexpected, in the stars at night, in the shadows by day.  The plants that thrive in the harsh environment, content where they are placed.  The broad stretch of the sky; so vast and yet, as the hymn writer said, “nor could the scroll contain the whole [of God’s love] though stretched from sky to sky.”  How great then is His love?

Yet I still act as a foolish child, hoarding the Sweet Water.  I often fail to remember that though I walk through the desert, the fount from which I drink is unending, unfailing, unfathomable.  Drink! comes the cry on the wind and my thirsty soul responds.  What madness was mine that I would not take advantage of this wonderful gift?

The land begins to change, growing rockier, steeper.  Great cliffs loom up out of the haze, hemming me in, narrowing my way to a single path.  Always there is a whisper of laughter ahead; the delight of one who has a great surprise in store.  A hand on my own, pulling me along as though unwilling to wait any longer for the revelation.

And the cliffs open.


A valley, as green as the desert was brown, lies at my feet.  Tall trees and bright flowers stretch out of long grasses.  Down from the cliffs winds a rocky path that leads boldly into the midst of the trees.  I cannot see where it leads nor tell where this valley goes but the sheer unexpectedness of it takes my breath.



I take a step forward.  Here?

Here.  Would this valley be so pleasant if you had not gone through the desert first?

I shake my head, still wondering.  It would not.

A strong, gentle hand rests on my shoulder.  Always I am with you.  Each place to which I lead has its own dangers and temptations.  Follow Me and I will make your paths straight.

Straight paths.  Here in this valley, I cannot see far ahead – unlike the desert where all around was clear.  Now it is one step, one day that is revealed.  I have begun to learn to trust Him to provide nourishment in barren places, now I must learn again to follow His lead when I cannot see the way.

Can I?

Not of my own.  But He who said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” also said “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  Day by day, I will learn.

Trials will come; I will struggle.  There will be days when I fail to drink of the life-giving stream.  But for now, I am content.  My God is so good.  He is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or think – and more than that, He does do it.

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him

Both in this life and the next.

Never forget.

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